How can I get a print copy of the annual eFields Research Report?

1.  Contact your county Extension office (find your county office) to see if they have available copies

2.  Email digitalag@osu.edu with your name and address to request a hard copy.


Why are randomization and replication important?

  • Replication allows us to estimate the error associated with carrying out the experiment itself. A minimum of 3 replications are needed for a field study, with more than 3 recommended to ensure that treatments are thoroughly evaluated. Without replication, it would be impossible to determine what factor or definite cause contributed to any treatment differences.

  • Randomization is just as important as replication to help account for any variations. Even if you replicated treatments, the conclusions you reach may not be correct if a treatment was always applied to the same part of the field. Randomization prevents data from being biased based on its location in a field. 

  • Tools such as Ohio State PLOTS, which utilize a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) analysis, are a great way to ensure that you replicate and randomize your treatments appropriately. See the Study Tips & Tricks page to get the download links for iOS and Android devices.


What are the protocols for each study?

See our Study Implementation page to view the protocols for each type of study.


Where can I find example replication layouts?

Example replication layouts are posted on the Study Implementation page.