Get Involved in On-Farm Research



Growers interested in hosting on-farm research trials for publication in the annual research report should reach out to their county Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Educator (find your county office). To view a list of those educators who are already involved, visit our eFields People page.

Review standardized protocols and examples of study layouts on the Study Implementation pageAdditional protocols and topics are can be developed and customized to fit your needs. If you’re interested in studying something other than the standard protocols don’t be afraid to ask!

Extension Educators and Specialists

If you are a current Educator or Specialist and are interested in getting involved with eFields on-farm research, contact the eFields and eBarns Program Manager, Dara Barclay

To learn more about first-hand experiences in the program check out the eFields Profiles.

Industry Representatives

We are always looking for new partners in on-farm research trials. If you are interested in becoming involved in research with the eFields program, contact your local county Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Educator (find your county office) or the eFields staff directly:

Dr. Elizabeth Hawkins,   (Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems)

Dara Barclay,   (Program Manager)