General questions may always be directed to digitalag@osu.edu. If you know who you would like to reach, you can find their information below!
Name | Contact |
Kent McGuire Program Coordinator, Health and Safety, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
614-292-0588 mcguire.255@osu.edu |
Brigitte Moneymaker Water Quality Extension Associate |
434-962-3525 moneymaker.4@osu.edu |
James Morris Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Brown County |
937-378-6716 morris.1677@osu.edu |
Gigi Neal Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Clermont County |
513-732-7070 neal.331@osu.edu |
Sarah Noggle Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Paulding County |
567-344-5013 noggle.17@osu.edu |
Matthew Nussbaum Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Wayne County |
330-264-8722 nussbaum.53@osu.edu |
Tony Nye Assistant Professor, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Clinton County |
937-382-0901 nye.1@osu.edu |
Chris Penrose Professor, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Morgan County |
740-962-4854 penrose.1@osu.edu |
Lisa Pfeifer Program Manager, Agricultural Safety and Health Program |
614-292-9455 pfeifer.6@osu.edu |
Eric Richer Assistant Professor, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Fulton County |
419-337-9210 richer.5@osu.edu |
Matthew Romanko Water Quality Extension Associate |
romanko.7@osu.edu |
Kaitlin Ruetz Student Assistant, Fulton County |
419-337-9210 ruetz.1@osu.edu |
Garth Ruff Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Henry County |
419-592-0806 ruff.72@osu.edu |
Beth Scheckelhoff Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Putnam County |
419-523-6294 scheckelhoff.11@osu.edu |
Matthew Schmerge Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Shelby County |
937-726-0471 schmerge.1@osu.edu |
Clint Schroeder Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Allen County |
419-879-9108 schroeder.307@osu.edu |
Dr. Scott Shearer Professor and Chair, Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
614-292-7284 shearer.95@osu.edu |
Dianne Shoemaker Associate Professor, Field Specialist, Dairy Production Economics |
330-533-5538 shoemaker.3@osu.edu |
Haley Shoemaker Program Coordinator, Ohio Farm Business Analysis |
330-533-5538 shoemaker.306@osu.edu |
Jacci Smith Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Delaware County |
740-833-2030 smith.11005@osu.edu |